Wealthy Affiliate Platform FAQ’s – WEBSITES, HOSTING, DOMAIN NAMES
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Wealthy Affiliate Platform FAQ’s –
FAQ’s = Frequently Asked Questions
‘Wealthy Affiliate’ aka (also known as)
‘WA’ & ‘Wealthy Affiliate University’ – the terms are used interchangeably.
Answers to Questions you may have on Wealthy Affiliates’
Websites, Hosting & Domain Names are below
Scroll down or use these quick links to your question
- What is the difference between a Domain, Hosting, URL and a Website?
- What is a Domain Website?
- What is a Sub-Domain Website?
- Does It Matter Who You Buy Your Domain Name From?
- Is Buying a Domain a One-Off Payment?
- Can I Buy a Domain Name Without Hosting?
- Can I Use My Domain Name With Any Hosting Provider?
What is the difference between a Domain, Hosting, URL and a Website?
A Domain is the Name of a Website, which you purchase from a Domain Registrar
Hosting is where you build and manage your website and enable people to see it
A URL is the address to find a website
A Website is what you see when you go to its address (url)
What is a Domain Website?
You own a domain name which you use to identify & link your website to your hosting provider.
You purchase a Domain from a Domain Registrar, such as: WA SiteDomains, GoDaddy, NameCheap, etc… It is the name for your website and it belongs to you.
You then get Hosting from a Hosting Provider, such as: WA SiteRubix, GoDaddy, Bluehost, etc…
You then point your Domain Name to your Hosting Provider & build your Website to enable your Website to be seen online.
A domain is the name of a website, totally independent to any other website.
It is used in the address (url) of the website.
For example:
amazon.com is the Domain
The full address (url) of the website is https://amazon.com/
What is a Sub-Domain Website?
A Sub-Domain is the name of a website which is part of another website, like a parent / child relationship. The Domain is the parent, the Sub-Domain is the child.
A Sub-Domain example:
mywebsite. Is the Sub-Domain
siterubix.com is the Domain
The website address (url) would be https://mywebsite.siterubix.com/
The Sub-Domain runs independently to its parent Domain.
Any Domain can have Sub-Domains.
Where a Domain offers Sub-Domain websites – the owner of a Sub-Domain Website is the Domain, but its content is owned by the user.
Does It Matter Who You Buy Your Domain Name From?
It doesn’t matter which Domain Registrar you buy your domain from.
The difference would be the price & if they offer any other inclusive or exclusive services / options.
Is Buying a Domain a One-Off Payment?
No, it is valid for a year. However, your Domain Registrar may offer you options to purchase several years at a time.
Your Domain Registrar should notify you in advance when your domain is about to expire, so you can renew your registration if you wish to.
If you don’t renew your registered domain:
- It will no longer belong to you
- If it is linked to a site, the site will no longer be accessible online
Buying a Domain is a separate cost to your hosting.
Can I Buy a Domain Name Without Hosting?
Yes, you are not required to Host a Domain Name.
When Domain Names are purchased they are ‘parked’ by the Domain Registrar. ‘Parked’ Domains are simply domains not linked to a hosted website.
Can I Use My Domain Name With Any Hosting Provider?
Yes, you can purchase a Domain Name from any Domain Registrar and Host it with whichever Hosting Provider you wish, even your own servers.
You simply need to point your Domain to the Hosting Providers’ Servers, known as DNS Server Settings.
Does WA Offer Website Hosting?
Yes – Only to WA members
Wealthy Affiliates’ hosting platform is called SiteRubix
Is Website Hosting part of my WA Membership?
Yes – Included in your Wealthy Affiliate Membership you get the possibility to:
‘Starter Members’
1 sub-domain website hosted on SiteRubix
‘Premium Members’
10 websites hosted on SiteRubix
They can be domain &/or sub-domain websites
What type of Hosting does WA Offer & How does it Compare?
Managed WordPress Hosting
Specifically for WordPress Websites
Hosting Security
Several layers of security that shield your websites and keeps them secure
SSL Certificates
- Keeps your website data safe and protected by encrypting it, ensuring transactions and all sensitive information is secure
- Reassures visitors they’re safe on your site
- Encrypts information sent between your website and a visitor’s web browser
Double Hosting
Ensuring your website is always up and running should a server go down
Website Backups Daily
If you ever mess things up, SiteSupport can help get your website back and running for you
Hosting Speed
Fast Amazon c3 large servers, hosted on the latest and most powerful servers
Website Space
30GB, the total across all your websites
500k visitors per month, the total across all your websites
Your Website Live in just a few clicks. No confusing settings to set up, all of the “technical” stuff is taken care of
An in-depth and real-time analysis of your content, user engagement, your activity, quality of your site, and many other metrics. Gives you a clear idea on the status of your website, where & how improvements can be made
A platform to request reviews and feedback on how your websites look & feels for user interaction
A platform to request comments on your posts content
SiteSupport 24/7/365
Technical website support available at any time
Are Domains part of my WA Membership?
Yes – Sub-Domains are free & part of your WA Membership
No – Domains have to be purchased separately from a Domain Registrar
WA SiteDomain is a Domain Registrar for Wealthy Affiliate Members
What is Included with my Domain when I Buy it from WA SiteDomains & How does it Compare?
WA SiteDomains includes EVERYTHING you need BY DEFAULT for each and every domain purchased:
Full Privacy and Domain Protection
WHOIS protection/privacy
Ensuring your domains are always safe and your personal details are protected from spammers, scammers, solicitors and your competition
Domain Security
Additional levels of security with your domains to help prevent you from ever losing your domain to a competitor
SSL Security
- Keeps your website data safe and protected by encrypting it, ensuring transactions and all sensitive information is secure
- Reassures visitors they’re safe on your site
- Encrypts information sent between your website and a visitor’s web browser
Full Unlimited Email Accounts
- For a professional appearance
- Easy setup process
- Create as many domain emails you need for different circumstances, eg:
info@yourdomain.com, admin@yourdomain.com, sales@yourdomain.com, etc…
Full Access to your Emails
- Manage all of your mailboxes from one centralised dashboard
- SMTP settings allow for integration with Gmail, Outlook, iPhone or any other mail client
Advanced DNS Automation and Management
- No confusing settings to set up, all of the “technical” stuff is taken care of
- Manage all of your Domains from one centralised dashboard
Domain Website Live on WA SiteRubix Hosting with just a few clicks
Premium Members – Your domain will be available and ready to build your website in minutes
- No waiting 24 hours for your domain to set up
- No confusing settings to set up, all of the “technical” stuff is taken care of
- No upsells
One Price
With WA SiteDomains you have everything included all in one place…at ONE price
They’re normally added extras with most domain registrars
Prices vary depending on which extension (TLD) you purchase, the most common being
- Com = $13.99
- Org, Net, & Info = $15.99
Renewal Price
You won’t be charged more in subsequent years
How Long Does It Take For My Website Hosted At WA To Show Up Online?
Free SiteRubix Sub-Domain websites are up and running in just a few minutes
Domain Websites take a little longer depending on whether:
- You already own the Domain
- The Domain is already pointing to Wealthy Affiliate Hosting Servers or not
If you purchased your Domain through WA SiteDomains then they are already pointing to Wealthy Affiliate SiteRubix Hosting Servers and will show up online in just a few minutes
What is the difference between Transferring / Moving a Website & Domain?
Transferring / Moving a Website
Is changing who your Website Host is & moving your Website to your new hosting provider.
The time it takes can be anything from 30 minutes to days, depending on the amount of data being transferred and the websites’ complexity.
Transferring / Moving a Domain
Is changing who your Domain Registrar is.
Transferring your Domain can take up to 14 days. The length of time it takes is dependent on how quickly you confirm the transfer and the Domain Registrars accept or reject the transfer.
Can I Transfer my SiteRubix Sub-Domain Website to a Domain I Own?
Yes at any time.
- If your Domain is Hosted by Wealthy Affiliates SiteRubix it’s just a click of a button.
- If your Domain is Hosted by another Hosting company then you would download the content and install that content on a website you’ve created there.
Can I Transfer/Move a Domain Website I Own To OR From Wealthy Affiliates SiteRubix Hosting?
Yes at any time.
It is a free service and Site Support will help you.
Have any thoughts or questions? Feel free to ask them below and chime in any discussion.
To your abundance & dream laptop lifestyle! 
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