Wealthy Affiliate Platform FAQ’s – MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS & PRICING
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Wealthy Affiliate Platform FAQ’s –
FAQ’s = Frequently Asked Questions
‘Wealthy Affiliate’ aka (also known as)
‘WA’ & ‘Wealthy Affiliate University’ – the terms are used interchangeably.
Questions you may have about Wealthy Affiliates’
Membership Options & Pricing are answered below
Scroll down or use these quick links to your question
What Membership Options are there?
There are only 2: ‘Starter’ or ‘Premium’
What is the difference between ‘Starter’ Membership and ‘Premium’ Membership?
As a ‘Starter’ member you have limited access to the Wealthy Affiliate Platform, however for your first 7 days you are given free access to some ‘Premium’ benefits so you can explore them.
As a ‘Premium’ member you have access to everything on the Wealthy Affiliate Platform
Below is a comparison table:
Can anyone become a member?
Membership is available globally with a few exceptions.
In order to protect the community, people from certain countries that are deemed to have more cases of fraud and scams are excluded from joining the ‘Starter’ membership. They however can join directly as a ‘Premium’ member.
The excluded countries are:
- Bangladesh
- Egypt
- Ghana
- India
- Kenya
- Morocco
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Philippines
- Vietnam
How do I become a member?
You sign up for a free ‘Starter’ membership by entering your email address
No credit card or other details needed.
Should your country be excluded from joining the ‘Starter’ membership you will be given the option of signing up as a ‘Premium’ member.
How do I become a ‘Premium’ member?
Once you are registered as a ‘Starter’ you can upgrade to ‘Premium’ by clicking the button on your dashboard.
Can I downgrade from ‘Premium’ to ‘Starter’ member?
There is no downgrading once you are ‘Premium’ member. Too many changes take place to your account for it to be viable.
What happens if I let my ‘Premium’ membership subscription lapse / cancel it?
You’ll have 30 days from the date your ‘Premium’ membership expires to move your websites to a new hosting service. Your new hosting service will charge for hosting your sites.
If you do not move your websites – Sometime after the 30 days from the date your ‘Premium’ membership expires your websites will no longer be live including your free sites.
The sub-domain SiteRubix free sites are owned by WA – but you own the content, so it’s best you transfer your content to either your computer or to a website on your new hosting service if you want them to be live.
You will no longer earn any commissions from Wealthy Affiliates’ own Affiliate Program. You don’t lose referrals when you leave, they will still be connected to you, but you won’t earn commissions while you are away.
Any Domain names you have purchased through SiteDomain is separate to your ‘Premium’ membership. You can still manage them through SiteDomain as you would with any other Domain Registrar – renew them, point them at other hosts, etc.
Can I reactivate my ‘Premium’ membership subscription?
Yes, at any time – by simply logging into your account and re-subscribing to ‘Premium’.
You DO NOT have to pay for the time you were gone to re-activate your account. Your ‘Premium’ membership subscription will be from the date you reactivate your subscription.
If you didn’t move your sites but allowed them to be deleted and returned within 6 months, contact Site Support who should be able to resurrect your sites from a backup, but no guarantees.
The rest of your account will be exactly as you left it.
Any referrals you had for Wealthy Affiliates’ own Affiliate Program will still be connected to you. Your active commissions will resume from the date you re-subscribe to ‘Premium’.
Can I only come back as a ‘Premium’ member?
On the same account yes.
You could sign up again as a ‘Starter’ member using totally NEW credentials, but you will not have access to anything from your premium account, you will be starting from scratch.
If I cancel my ‘Premium’ membership can I get a refund?
The current policy is there are no refunds – if someone cancels their membership whether it is yearly, 6 monthly or monthly they will have access up to the renewal date.
How do I cancel my membership?
On the dashboard click on your profile picture
> Click on ‘Account Settings’ on the pop up
> Scroll down to ‘Subscription Settings’
> Click the ‘Membership’ tab
> Click the ‘Stop Billing & Cancel Membership’ button
Where do I change/view my payment method for my subscription?
On the dashboard click on your profile picture
> Click on ‘Account Settings’ on the pop up
> Scroll down to ‘Subscription Settings’
> Click the ‘Payment Source’ tab
What are the subscription fees to be a member?
‘Starter’ Membership = $0 – it’s free
‘Premium’ Membership = has several options all on an auto renewal subscription
When you first join as a ‘Starter’ member you will be offered to upgrade to ‘Premium’ for only $19 for your first month. Subsequent months will be the normal price of $49 per month.
Premium Monthly: is $49 per month paid monthly
Premium Yearly: is $495 paid once a year (equivalent to $41.25 per month)
It’s $93 off, basically a 2 month discount to the monthly option
Premium Black Friday: In the past on Black Friday ‘Premium Yearly’ has been offered at a greater discount + being locked in to that price for as long as you’re a member. There is no guarantee that Black Friday specials will be offered in the future, but it may!
Have any thoughts or questions? Feel free to ask them below and chime in any discussion.
To your abundance & dream laptop lifestyle! 
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